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Ako automaticky vyhrať: Ak potrebuješ zvíťaziť (v čomkoľvek v hre), stlač kombináciu kláves [Shift]+[W]. Potom už sa nemusíš o nič starať. Ako preskočiť námorné bojové sekvencie: Na prvý pohľad zložitý problém, o to jednoduchšie riešenie. Stačí stlačiť kombináciu klávesov kláves [Shift]+[V]. ------- Otázky a odpovede pri "šermiarskych" súbojoch: Q = Question (Otázka) A = Answer (Odpověď) 1. Súboje s pirátmi: Q: You're as repulsive as a monkey in a nigligee. A: I look THAT much like your fiancée? Q: I'll leave you devastated, mutilated and perforated. A: Your odor alone makes me aggrovated, agitated and infuriated. Q: Every enemy I've met I've annihilated! A: With your breath, I'm sure they all suffocated. Q: Heaven preserve me! You look like something that's died! A: The only way you'll be preserved is in formadehyde. Q: Would you be buried or creamted? A: With you around I'd prefer to be fumigated. Q: En garde! Touché! A: Oh, that is so cliché! Q: Coming face to face with me must leave you petrified! A: Is that your face? I thought it was your backside. Q: When your father first saw you, he must have been mortified. A: At least mine can be identified. Q: I'll skewer you, like a saw at a buffet! A: When I'm, done with YOU, you'll be a bone less fillet. Q: You can't match my witty repartee! A: I could, if you would use some breath spray. Q: Killing you would be justiable homicide! A: Then killing you must be justiable fungicide. Q: I have never seen such clumsy swordplay. A: You would have, but you were always running away. Q: I'll hound you night and day! A: Then be a good dog. Sit! Stay! Q: You're the ugliest monster ever created. A: If you don't count all the ones you've dated. Q: I can't rest 'till you've been exterminated! A: Then perhaps you should switch to decaffeinated. 2. Súboj s Rottinghamem: Q: My skills with a sword are highly venerated. A: !ODPOVĚĎ BOHUŽEL NEEXISTUJE!!! Q: I have never lost a Melée! A: You would have, but you were allways running away. Q: When I am done, your body will rotted and putredied! A: Then killing you must be justifiable fungicide. Q: Your looks would make pigs nauseated. A: If you don't count all the ones you've dated. Q: Your lips look like they belong on the catch of the day. A: When I'm done with YOU, you'll be a boneless fillet. Q: Never before have a faced someone so sissified. A: Is that your face? I thought it was your backside. Q: You're a disgrace to your species, you're so undignified! A: At least mine can be identified. Q: You have the sex appeal of a Shar - Pei. A: I look THAT much like your fiancée? Q: Your mother wear a toupee! A: Oh that is so cliché! Q: You'll find I'm dogged and relentless to my prey! A: Then be a good dog. Sit! Stay! Q: I give you a choice. You can be guited, or decapitated! A: With you around, I'd prefer to be fumigated. Q: Nothing on this earth can save your sorry hide! A: The only way you'll be preserved is in formaldehyde. -alebo- 1) V tretej kapitole, pri námornej bitke, stlač [Shift]+[V]. Potom už stačí len stlačiť [X] a si priamo v štvrtej kapitole. 2) Ak stlačíš [Shift]+[W], uvidíš záverečnú animáciu
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